Spell to bring a lover back

Bring back ex love spell

Bring back ex love spell


Animals have accompanied sorcerers and enchanters since the dawn of history. They have been sacrificed to please spirits (remember what voodoo shamans did to chickens?) and used in order to warn people about dangers, like cats do, as well as to drive away mind parasites. Animals play a major role in Buddhist and Muslim magic too.

Animals’ occult abilities are so strong that they can be used in domestic magic, specifically the bring back ex love spell. I, spellcaster Maxim, will teach you how to cast this simple spell and use animals for your magic needs.

Not all pets can be used in magic. For example, below are the requirements your cat or dog should meet to be used in love magic:

- Your pet has lived with you longer than your ex; or

- Your pet was bought while you were in a relationship with your ex-lover;

- Your pet isn’t naughty or aggressive;

- Your pet lives in your house and gets to go on occasional walks outside;

- Your pet is healthy and in good shape;

- Your pet misses your ex too (at least for now);

- Your pet has been loved and has never been hurt by your ex.

If you want to know how to get back lost love, do the following experiment that will help you understand if the bond between your ex-partner and your pet is still strong. Find something your ex-lover left at your place, such as a T-shirt or a sweater (small items, such as a pen or a sunglasses case, won’t do). If you have a dog, let it sniff the T-shirt. If you have a cat, just put the T-shirt on the place where your cat likes to sleep.

Now watch your pet. If it gets excited, happy, nervous, sad, etc., it means the energy bond is still strong and will help you influence your ex-lover. If the pet stays indifferent or gets scared of the T-shirt, it’s a sign that it won’t help you cast this spell and you need to choose a different one. A wide range of spells is available on my Spellcaster Maxim website SPELLSHELP.COM. If you don’t want to take your chances, just contact me and benefit from my professional magic services.

I can make your former lover come back to you no matter how long it’s been since you broke up, how far you are from each other, what your current lives are, and what your ex is currently feeling for you. If I step in, he’ll come back and ask you to forgive him, even if your break up is your fault. He’ll beg you to let him come back, having no idea that it’s just what you want.

My spells to get your love back have been proven to have a 99% success rate!


Real love spells to get him back


Real love spells to get him back that involve cats and dogs are cast differently. If you can choose, choose a cat because cats are known to have stronger mystical abilities.

This spell is cast in the first decade of the lunar month. Three days before you cast this spell, wash your pet, whether or not it likes taking a bath. Don’t wash your pet with a shampoo but use natural handmade soap that is free of essential oils and colorants instead. Don’t turn the light on in the bathroom when you wash your pet. Instead, put four magic candles in the corners of the room and light them. Wipe the pet with a new clean white towel. Put the wet towel under the bed and put one item made of gold (such as a coin, a chain, or a solid ring) on the towel. Put one item that belongs to you and one item that belongs to your ex-partner on the towel too. These can be a lighter, a pen or some other small item which was frequently used by your former lover.

Let your pet rest for three days to have enough energy for the spell. Feed your pet with its favorite treats, pet it, and play with it a lot. Don’t raise your voice at the pet no matter what happens. For example, cats can figure out why you’re acting like this and test you by breaking a glass, flipping over a flower pot, or tearing your favorite dress. Dogs can do the same. If it happens, control yourself. Don’t yell at your pet. This is how you can pass this test with dignity. You should show your pet that you’re very serious about the upcoming spell and your pet will agree to help you.

In the evening put the magic candles that you used three days ago in the corners of your bedroom and light each of the candles. Don’t turn the light on in the room. Make sure all the electrical appliances and devices in your house are powered off and unplugged. Turn your phone off and close the shades. Put a large sheet of paper on the table. Put some photos crosswise: your photos should be on the left and on the right, while your loved one’s photos should be on the top and on the bottom. Put a couple photo in the middle.

Put your cat on top and start petting it. As you do it, utter the following incantation:

“You and I are friends. I’ve helped you a lot. Now it’s your turn to help me. You’re strong and smart and you can do anything. Go outside and find my beloved out there (the target’s name). Get inside his house and drive away whatever doesn’t let him (the target’s name) love me. Make it clean in there but not empty. When my love (name) goes to sleep, come up to him and purr in his ear that I (your name) love him. Let your words enter his head. Let them enter his heart. Let them stay in his soul. So he wakes up in the morning thinking about me, wanting to see me, wanting to come to me. The rest will be taken care of by my love.

Help me (your pet’s name)! Don’t leave me! Do as I (your name) ask!”

Note: utter the incantation thrice. You should learn it by heart because if you forget any word or stutter, the spell will be broken.

Now call your ex and ask him for a favor. Tell him you need to go out of town for some urgent matter and ask him to look after the cat while you’re gone. Promise you’ll come back in a week and take the cat back. If he agrees, put the towel that was under your bed in a cage and then put the cat inside the cage, too. Don’t unfold the towel. Before you pass the cage with the cat over to your ex-lover, don’t forget to take out the photo that was in the towel.

Come back in one week. Do love spells really work to get an ex back? They do. Your ex will act differently. He’ll be more attracted to you than before. Just remember that the strength of his feelings for you will be proportionate to what you’re feeling for him.

If you have a dog, cast this spell in the same matter. The only exception is that you’re allowed to put the paper not on a table but on the floor, in case your dog is too big for the table. And instead of petting your dog, brush its hair while uttering your incantation.

Ask your ex to look after the dog for three days. When you come to pick up the dog, scatter its hair in the house walking around it counterclockwise if the house belongs to a woman and clockwise if it belongs to a man. Walk away and wait for four more days. If your ex calls you, it means the spell is working and you’ll reunite shortly. If he doesn’t (your ex should be the one to reach out to you), contact me. I’ll use my exceptional skills and vast experience to give you exactly what you want.


Spell to bring a lover back to you


I, spellcaster Maxim, use high-quality magic formulas ensuring that every spell to bring a lover back to you that I cast, works. There are no special requirements for people to become my clients. As one of the most powerful Slavic spellcasters in the world, I am based in Moscow and speak English fluently, accepting orders from clients from all over the world. I can help anyone wherever they are. My spells are of superior quality and bring results fast, so all my clients are happy with the outcome. I make sure my clients never experience what’s known as “love spell backfire”, so you’ll enjoy your newly restored relationship for as long as you want.

I encourage you to place an order as soon as possible or visit my Spellcaster Maxim website and add it to your favorites. Save my phone number too, because I can assure you that sooner or later you’ll realize only a trained spellcaster can help you and you’ll want to call me. I have the skills and knowledge to take on the most complex of projects and restore broken relationships turning them into a temple of love and care which you definitely deserve.